Emma Hammack
On March 8, 2019 the first Marvel female lead film, Captain Marvel made its debut and today the sequel, The Marvels announced the theater release date November 10, 2023.
The Captain Marvel movie is about her struggle remembering herself and finding her strength. In summary Captain Marvel was captured by the Kree, an alien society and used as a weapon to fight the war on Skrulls. She is stranded on Earth where she starts to have memories that feel so real. Without spoiling the movie, she slowly uncovers her truth and full memories and after gaining the full ability of her powers.
SPOILERS now ahead. She gains her powers after she frees herself from the Kree’s grip who have been holding back her power and suppressing her true memories in order to use her. Captain Marvel is really Carol Danvers, a U.S. Air Force Pilot who was in an accident with new planes designed to save the Skrulls, a species of alien going extinct who rival the Kree. Carol and her mentor Marvell were trying to save them.
Watching this film in theaters my first takeaways was this film was about the true power and abilities women have. Women can do just as much as men if not more, but women have been held back in society so long it's now often seen or recognized. Carol having her memories stripped and her powers suppressed symbolized society holding women back and when Carol breaks free she is more confident. Her journey of self discovery and individuality reflects what generally a lot of women have gone through and feel.
The criticism this movie receives most often are the movie “seemed too forced” and Carol is “too arrogant and cocky,” and “overpowered” I have heard this said in countless video reviews, Tik Toks and articles. The common theme from these critics is that they are generally men.
First, saying the Captain Marvel movie seemed too forced makes some sense to me, but that's only because men are not used to seeing female lead superhero movies. Of course something new is forced, is how change is made. Superhero movies the last decade have had a preset plot with men leading and if there are women in it they are side characters, like Black Widow in the first Avenger movie. Personally, I did not think it was forced or felt that way and her introduction at that time in the Marvel timeline was perfect for her part in the next coming Avenger movies.
Next, the biggest complaint I see from Captain Marvel haters is that she is “too arrogant/cocky” but again I think men are just not used to seeing confident women in power. In my opinion I did not see her as arrogant, I saw her as confident and independent. I see this in everyday life when a girl is outspoken in class and guys call her annoying, she’s not. They just haven't seen women have confidence like that in themselves because women have been suppressed in a man’s world since the beginning of time. Confident female characters in power like Captain Marvel can set a new view of women and personally walking out of the movie I thought to myself “I want to be more like her” so hearing men calling her annoying and cocky stuck me so odd. Furthermore, a Marvel hero I find similar to Captain Marvel is Ironman. Tony Stark aka Ironman is a man in power and is very arrogant and cocky but he is one of the most beloved characters. It's ironic and sad how a woman with confidence is frowned upon and is hated, but a man with confidence and “arrogance” is charming and endearing. Hence, most of society is not used to seeing confident women and leaving negative comments about them to try and push them down.
Lastly critics call her “overpowered”. They need to remind themselves she has the same powers in the comics that were written years ago and yet again society is not ready to see a woman in power or in this great possess great powerful abilities.
Overall I am an advocate for female characters like Captain Marvel in film and media because seeing more confident women in films can influence how women see themselves and how society perceives them. Uplifting women can only do more good. I hope people will give The Marvels movies which feature Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel and Monica Ramb
eau, all very powerful women, a chance and keep an open mind when viewing. Personally, I have been looking forward to this movie for years and can’t wait for November 10th.
